As many of you probably know, I am going to be studying abroad this semester at Harlaxton College in Grantham, England. Harlaxton College is a campus owned by the University of Evansville where I am a current sophomore triple majoring in Political Science, Sociology, and Ethics and Social Change. While I am studying abroad this semester, I will have the opportunity to have 3 day weekends to travel around the continent of Europe and since my family and friends are eager to keep up with what I'm doing and where I'm going, I decided to start this blog. While I'm at Harlaxton, I will be taking 12 credit hours. One 6-credit British Studies class, A 3-credit Gender and Women's Studies Class, and another 3-credit course on British Politics. I plan on posting to this blog at least once a week with all of the travel experiences and overall life-happenings. I'm so excited to see what this semester has in store for me, but it is definitely bittersweet as I am packing up and leaving my whole life here in the states. I know that I will miss my family a lot, but they support me in everything that I do, and I could not be more thankful to have them.
As they say in England, Cheerio!!
You are so awesome Lanna I can’t wait to see all your adventures and new things you experience.